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Youth ministry can be fun…or it can be frustrating. No matter how you feel about youth ministry, it’s nice to know that a supportive network is available via blogs, education, tools and volunteers. The following top 50 blogs by youth ministers includes all that help and more…as ministers-in-training or youth workers who have been in… Read the full article →

One of the great things about technology is the access it gives you to a number of resources. Indeed, there are a great many web resources that can help you in your study of scripture. Ancient scripture has been brought into the 21st Century with the help of computers and the Internet, and you can… Read the full article →

Top 50 Christian Video Sites

October 28, 2010

As with any other study, the Internet is home to Christian videos that can inform, educate and expand your knowledge about Christianity, Bible studies and the Christian way of life. The following top 50 Christian video sites include portals that contain videos, video sites that contain a wide variety of video options, sermons and Bible… Read the full article →

Many devout Christians worry about the influence of media on one’s spirit. This is especially true of social media sites. When visiting places like MySpace and YouTube, it is possible to inadvertently see anything. After all, people can post whatever they want, with very little oversight. With this concern for the type of media that… Read the full article →